Visit us here:
Kystcentervej 10
DK-7680 Thyborøn
Contact us on:
E-mail: info@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Phone: +45 9783 2808
We look forward to your visit!
Find an employee
Michael Madsen, owner, e-mail: michael@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Channie Düring, creative workshop, reception, and purchasing,
email: channie@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Rikke Hartvig, Marketing, web & online booking, email: rikke@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Karina Lund Kristensen, Finance & auditing: karina@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Thorbjørn Strunk, HR-employee and guide: ts@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Pernille Overgaard, Distribution and book keeping, email: pernille@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Bookkeeping, email: bogholderi@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Melina Nikolajsen, Guide
Our nature guides
We have a fantastic and committed team of full-time nature guides, who you can meet when you come along on a tour all year around, and skilled, local boat-captains and freelance guides, who you might, with luck, meet during our peak seasons, when you join our guided tours
You can contact Iskunsten
General inquiries:
E-mail: info@iskunsten.dk
Phone.: +45 9783 2808
And the following people if your inquiry is of a more specific character:
Michael Madsen, owner - email: michael@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Rikke Hartvig, marketing - email: rikke@jyllandsakvariet.dk
Anne Marie Nielsen, ice artist
Seaside Safari
Seaside Safari is our sister company, who provide tours along the Danish West Coast.
you can contact Seaside Safari by:
E-mail: info@seasidesafari.dk
Phone.: +45 2789 5808
You can find Seaside Safari in these places among others:
- Hvide Sande
- Vedersø Klit & Husby Klitplantage
- Ringkøbing
- Klosterheden
- Thorsminde
- Lemvig
- Agger
- Thy National Park
- The Limfjord
...and more locations are to be added!